This blog page will follow and record the progress of our participation in the 'Lead Creative Schools' scheme. Early in 2017 we applied to be part of the scheme where funding of up to £10,000 over two years is awarded to successful school applicants. We were fortunate enough to be successful and chosen to participate in the scheme. Three members of staff, Mrs James, Mrs Udy and Mrs Farrell participated in Lead Creative Schools training in September 2017 for the first project and we were allocated a Creative Agent, Carl Chapple, to help assist us in managing and devising our projects. Mrs James is the Lead Creative Schools Coordinator. Our blog is updated by the children and staff who are working on the project. Follow us on our creative journey. For the academic year 2018-2019 Mrs Parfitt will participate in some of our workshops and over the next two years we plan to disseminate the creative ethos and facilitate training for all staff across the school.

Friday 23 March 2018

Website Creating.

Every child (and adult) in the editorial team can log on, navigate the website, add an article and upload and change the image size. This will be very useful when we have so many articles to post.

We worked on illustrating the tab images and created images that related to the headings. We used black biro pens and have taken a picture of the images. These will be uploaded to the tab images as the ones in place were just used for us to practise.

Our magazine name and gif logo below.

Our home page above.

One of our pages BIG NEWS below

We practised animating text and thought how we could use in our digital magazine.

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Our Workshops.

Workshop 3- January 23rd 2019. For optimum viewing enlarge the screens. During workshop 3 the children took apart more complex elec...