This blog page will follow and record the progress of our participation in the 'Lead Creative Schools' scheme. Early in 2017 we applied to be part of the scheme where funding of up to £10,000 over two years is awarded to successful school applicants. We were fortunate enough to be successful and chosen to participate in the scheme. Three members of staff, Mrs James, Mrs Udy and Mrs Farrell participated in Lead Creative Schools training in September 2017 for the first project and we were allocated a Creative Agent, Carl Chapple, to help assist us in managing and devising our projects. Mrs James is the Lead Creative Schools Coordinator. Our blog is updated by the children and staff who are working on the project. Follow us on our creative journey. For the academic year 2018-2019 Mrs Parfitt will participate in some of our workshops and over the next two years we plan to disseminate the creative ethos and facilitate training for all staff across the school.

Friday 26 January 2018

Our first go at animation and investigating the power of a headline.

This is us watching a piece of Glen’s preivious work

We studied the layout that other people have used.

We animated our names.

Here we are started to make some animations with our names on card.

We used I motion apps to animate our names.

This is us  panning the animation.

Glen helped us use the animation app. It was really fun!!!

We are learning to work together as part of a team.

We edited our work. We noticed that our hands were in some of the frames, so we used part of the program to edit our animation. We all found this easy and it really improved our final design.

We made sure we recorded what we did because we are going to be teaching others how to use the app!!

We looked at the layout of newspapers. We considered the best designs and discussed the most interesting features.

We worked as ground to decide on the best type of headline. We talked about what made a good headline.

We looked for word play and alliteration. We wanted to know what made a headline ‘catchy’.

We made up our own headlines based on parts of the story of familiar fairytales.

This really made us think but we all created some ‘interesting’ headlines! We will keep practising ‘this!

Blog post written by children from the Lead Creative Schools Group.

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